Monday, March 8, 2010

"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

-Carl Gustav Jung

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


“You know about rock and roll. Its like the legends tell, about, the balls that keep on rolling, the wheels that keep spinning, the stones that never stop tumbling, falling, running, running, running. Rocks never die. And, the legend continues.”

How deeply the sunshine that glows over thee? From seas to sea how deeply, reflections of me? I crumble in remnance of pain beyond despair. Alas, I ask, how deeply mine soul hurt when it tears.  One kiss of death, one breath of life. One moment of grief, beyond worst of strife. Desperately wanting to cry out, lips frozen. Anxiously waiting forth-new dawn, t’was chosen. Raging and roaring, mine oceans tides roaring. Emotions like thunderous storms, yet, truths unfolding.  Truth be told, how deeply my cries. As darkness engulfs the depth of my eyes. To stand alone, and know life is dear. Yet, plea to the heavens, death take me from here.  How deeply, how deeply, My love for thine life. To give up my own, thus, running from strife.

In the cycle of life and death, There is a beginning, and there is an end.  For every end, there is a new beginning.  For every new beginning, there will be an end.  In life, the only constant is change... An ever-repetitious cycle of birth, growth,  Failure, fulfillment, and, death.  But even unto death, there is no end...Only a new beginning.


Wonderland. That’s what I call the place I come from. The loveliest place I know. The best things are there, and everything is free. A land of wonders. That’s what I like to call it. People’s eyes light up and glisten, and they smile and laugh. We are all children there. We play all day, and stay up all night. And there is no bedtime. If we sleep, we might miss it. The wonders of the land. If we close our eyes, they might fade away.

Their world, full of emptiness, makes me so sad. My world, empty with fullness, makes me so happy. I will never be a part of their world, as they know it. They shall always be a part of my world, as I know it. In their world, nothing is free. In my world, everything is free. I live in wonderland, in dream world, in paradise, in ecstasy, in never land, in heaven, in Eden, in eternity. I will never know death, because, in my world, there is only life. I will never know hate, because, in my world, there is only love. What makes me most sad about their world, as I watch them on their way, is that, they don’t even have a clue that they’re living in hell.

I miss daydreaming with you. We used to sit by the campfire, and do nothing, and do everything. And people would say, look at those two, daydreaming again. Except, it wasn’t day, and the only light was the campfire. Except, there was no camp, and the only fire was inside us. I miss those good old days, when we had nothing left to do, but dream, about the good old days.

I miss everything that I never knew, until the day that I found you. Everything; all the dreams I thought I knew were nothing, had no substance, until the day that you found me, too.

What if I imagined it all? · Supposed it’s a fallacy, a lie fragmented within a fantasy · What if there is no truth, no substance, no reality to it all · Could you know? · Could you tell the difference? · How could you distinguish a fictional from a realism · You can’t, can you? · And then, Neither can I

“In the realm of dreams, nothing is impossible. I dream at night, but, only in the light.”

“It’s almost as if, now that I’m new, I’m a stranger. It all seems to have unraveled in the midst of a dream; whilst I was sleeping. Unaware, I awoke to find myself, lost, within this existence that I cant explain. Everything is brand new. I can’t identify anything, not even me. Where am I? What am I?”

“Nothing ever happens the way I’ve planned. It just happens as I’ve dreamt.”

Today, I can smile again · I can breathe the breath of happiness · for, today, I’ve found an end · that’s makes way for a new youth to begin · today, once again, I can smile · I can sing love songs like birds on high · I can dance freely in the wind like butterflies · I can frolic peacefully like dolphins of the deep · And know that I am blessed with peace · for God is in I, today ·

Today, I want you, to smile. Be happy. Be free. Frolic, like a bird. With angels wings. Rejoice, in song. And dance. Today, you, I want to smile. And know. And go. Bathe in the sunny skies. Shower in the salty seas. Live, and love, and, life.

I will. I promise. To you. To me. I shall, as I’ve claimed, my will, to be. I will go on, to see, to know. I shall abide, for you sayeth so.

I am going to do it for the children. I am going to plant the seeds. I am going to do it first, and then, write about it, document it, record every moment of every step of the exhilarating journey that lies ahead. And when I am ready to present it to them, I will. And I will give them screen plays, and stage plays, and art exhibits, fashion exhibits, periodicals, musicals. Book after book. I will be a writer, a model, a scholar, a traveler, a connoisseur, a dreamer, a missionary, a sensualist, an actor, an activist, an artist, a dancer. And, the world shall someday be invited on this journey, with me. I am.

Here is a secret for you. Dreams can change. Thus is the difference between destiny and fate. You were born to fulfill a particular role in the order of life, and, you cannot escape that end. You will not die until that mission is completed. You get to decide how to complete the mission. You decide how you want your life to turn out. You decide who you are. The reality of life is up to you. The fantasy of your life is how it all begins.
From the moment you were born, you learn about life. You learn about your self, both internally and externally, and decide how you want to respond to life’s circumstances. You create your personality, you create your lifestyle, you create your self.

Perception is the realm of fantasy, for, we are as we believe we are. Our fantasy becomes reality. Life is as we know it, and there can be no other than that which is understood to be. You may not control your fate, but, you are God of your destiny. Do not try to escape your fate... embrace it by beholding the power of destiny, the place where dreams come true.