Rise to the Top

In the beginning of all time, and before time began... 

The birds of the heavens craved the claim to the earth, and sought to become like that which they did when they fell. Fallen angels did not expect the torments of the soil to burn their wings to ashes and condemn them to crawling on their bellies seeking more for all the days of their lives. The bones of the fattened foul became dense and they who could no longer fly eventually discarded the wings that now deemed themselves redundant.

These beasts of the earth continued to evolve, and their awakened hunger no compelled them to seek out all of that which was to be gained of the earth. Families and clans of distinctive characteristics of  these creatures evolved into what would set each group of entities apart based on the work of their hands, as now slaves to the earth.  And they competed against one another for supremacy; producing heirs to continue on their legacy for the quest to the top.  To gain all was the mission of each.

The once birds, and then bats, became nations of rats, who gnawed at the earth and declared all the lands as their own to gain.  Each raced for its own space, to acquire and store as saved goods, toward a continued evolution. The highly reproductive breeds of rodents flooded the earth with an evolved species of beasts; the evolution of the mamalia developed, as the reflection of what the new generation was to become - mothers, like the earth that they were consuming, and the most highly developed group of potency thereof.

In the survival of the fittest, and the race for the top, there could only be one, and the clan was called the Felidae, the family of cats, who reigned supreme over all the earth. The cat became great because of her obsession with the birds that flew, as spheres that sit in the heavens, and balls that bounces.  Somehow, she believed in flight, and rose to the top by never looking down. Memories of a lost throne in heaven haunted her, and she taught her children to never fall, and for those who did fall, they learned to always land on their feet. 

As they evolved, their physical capacity came to know a muscular, compact definition as bodies with short rounded heads.  The skeletal and muscular construction makes the animal extremely limber and lithe.  A cats spine is extremely flexible and forelegs rotate freely outward in the shoulder joint, enabling the cat to squeeze through narrow spaces to twist about so that it usually lands on its feet after a fall.

The cats won the race!  Because of their ability to land upright, and also, because of the parachute effect of their bodies, cats have survived falls from great heights.  In the survival of the fittest, the cat has learned to land on its feet in order to never again repeat the history of the heritage from which they have evolved.  Risen from the ashes of fallen angels, the cats vow to live that they should never again fall from grace.

"Out of the ashes, we rise, to defy death, times nine."