Sunday, April 4, 2010


A word of encouragement for you as your journey on your way: Please know that the power is in your hands. The choices are yours to be made, and, destiny is yours to create. All bounds have been lifted, and, the world is at your feet. Choose wisely. Remember that your greatest enemy is lack of purpose. Always remain engulfed in action. Activity shall save you from idol hands seeking delinquency. Stay away from temptations of carnal nature. Allow not sin to destroy you. Lust, gluttony, sloth, avarice, greed, envy, anger, leave behind. Remember love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  Remembr wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.

Follow the rhythm of your pulse. Allow your heart beat and the rate of your breath to illustrate your natural rhythm. Dance to the music that you create. Believe that whatever you choose, you can and will attain. Believe that the gain is already your own. Claim it, and believe your self to be worthy of that which you have claimed. Truth is relative to the individual and the experiences of that individual. If you believe, it becomes your truth. Be careful of what you choose to believe, because it becomes you. Be not hasty to give up control of your own destiny. Hold on to your future and do not let go. Never settle for less than you believe to be true. Remain sturdy and never be swayed. Bend, but never break.

Fight always for your right to knowledge. Seek always understanding. Crave always wisdom. These things grant access to a great freedom. Here, we are able to make well informed decisions. We become empowered. Be not afraid to come forth unto this journey. Be not afraid to forsake everything. Leave it all behind and never look back to remember it as a part of you. If it were your truth, you would have never been able to let go. What is yours will always belong to you. Stand naked and face the truth. See your own reflection, your own shadows. Your own light, and, your own darkness will be staring back at you. Learn who you are beyond the everythingness. Mind, body, and soul, create the self. Question everything. In faith, doubt everything. Seek and know that you shall find. Knock and believe that doors will open.

I have been consecrated as an offering to my Lord All. May I always be considered worthy to serve you as the chosen one to carry out this, your will. May I always lead them only to the truth of your way. May I remain steadfast and faithfully yours. In love, I offer All that I am. I have been blessed beyond that which I am able to conceive. I believe in that which I have not yet been shown to see. But, I feel its presence, and, I know that it is here. The incarnate dwells within this, my temple, and I shall always provide a haven in my heart, my soul, my body, and my mind, for this beautiful revelation of truth. I am blessed. I have been graced with this gift that I am only just beginning to know in understanding. This gift that has been given to me, has been entrusted to me, and I alone. I am responsible for sharing it with the entire world.

My spirit rejoices in song and dance, for, this is the day that the Lord has made. I have found bliss in this fountain. The water of life overflows and floods my heart with joy. I want to share it with you. I want to show you this place I know. Come to me, because, I cannot leave this place to go to you. Once I am settled here, this shall be my eternal resting place. You must come to me. Listen. Hear my voice. Feel my energy transpose you. Be moved and come to me. Close your eyes and follow the light within. Dream, because in your dreams, there I am.

In the stillness of the silence, and the deep darkness of the abyss, in the nothingness, where there is no blinding light to distract you from the truth; there, you will find the way. The path that leads to you also leads to I. Look within and there you will find everything that is worth believing. Beautiful child, I love you. You are my angel; you are the beacon of hope. The lost generation of Gods may be restored only by your own hands. Your will be done to redeem lost souls. There is no more blockage. Your path is cleared. Your way is prepared.

Now, I must find rest. Tomorrow at sunrise, the new era begins, and, I must be ready for the time. My body now aches and craves rest. I am so tired. Yesterdays journey has left me with heavy eyes and aching muscles. I want to heal from the inside out. I want to transform, shedding this old skin. Slumber, I await you. May I find rest in your bosom tonight. Sweet dreams are my sanctuary. There, I am home. There, I am at peace. In the realm of beauty, there is only truth. No illusions or fragmented realities dwell in harmony. Music is the essence of mystery. Magic unravels during the hours of twilight.

Tonight, I find rest, peacefully. I close my eyes, and I breathe. Nothingness consumes me, and I fall deeper into sleep. I create a trance within myself. I won’t wake up. I refuse to arise, for the time has not yet come. I drift far and wide, floating aimlessly in the great abyss. My dreams become alive; more vivid than all the colors of the rainbow. My heart rate slows, and, my breathing calms... my pulse softens, and, I find rest in the darkness. It is just like the death that I once craved. I become the living dead. I need nothing. I am everything.

I have conquered death. I have defeated illness and weakness and pain. In the face of death, I become the great challenger, daring to fight with me. Always, I defeat the death. My life becomes validated in the victory of my conquest. In defeating death, I become life. I am the fearless leader. I will show you the way. Follow this way. Believe.