Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Glowing Globe

Who is she, and where did she come from?  in perfect harmony, she salutes me.  In perfect symmetry, she stands still.  Her clear, welcoming eyes, I stare through, hoping to catch a glimpse of something special.  But there is nothing.  Nothing moves, nothing flutters.  Aside from the twinkle of her inner light, there is nothing; just silence, just darkness.  Wait!  I see now.  A watchman.  Lurking, waiting, gazing.  On this sweet body, sea breezed and sun kissed.  Who would dare to disrupt the peace of this beautiful, quaint, statuesque art of she?  Classical!  As if composed by Mozart himself.  But, then I forget, and then, I remember.  Such beauty cannot go on without a watchman.  Evils are of the world, and its quest is to conquer all things that are good.  If she is not protected, the distorted will make this beauty void.  Perhaps this is why such beauty is so aloof; so cold on this summer's night.  behold, such beauty glows!  As if an angel's white light were upon us.  But, now, in the darkness, she stands alone.  Guarded by the watchmen.  Something special, I see, indeed.  An angel who forgot that she could fly.

Hers is a great castle.  It is the fortress that has been built upon the foundation by which there is no condemnation.  the place that she owns is the sacred realm where dreams live as truth.  In the divine garden, there are silent waters that run deeply throughout the earth, and the flow is far and wide, breathing baby's breaths of a timeless nature.

She Dances, like a miracles set forth by the Gods and All authority in the heavens.  Like a bird, through the clouds, weightlessly, she leaps through the nothingness as if it were everything.  She Dances, in all of the mystical mysteries that creates splendour and wonder and armour.  In the glowing of the full moon, she lights up the darkest night.  She become the angel of beauty and brightness and brings as blessings this offering to all who lay their eyes to rest, as She Dances.  She Dances Incomparably.  Amazement and bewilderment she brings to all whom know this, who have seen this.  Invincibility is the aura of her movement, motioning like no other could dare to imagine.  She becomes all that is everything, forever, when She Dances.

How beautiful art thou, that I couldnt even see, for I was blinded by the light of such great beauty.  Whence once my eyes opened in blurring sight, I was deranged of darkness, I was blinded in your light.  Hero of the night.  Saviour of the souls. Pharoh of the right, ways to heavens odes.  Sanctified in you, that you should order wills.  the whole world shall observe, that faithless order kills.  Life of light and love, and once more hearding flock, declarations of one love, one might, one power one rock.

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