Monday, June 7, 2010

Birds: Parable of Stars

Birds, in Parable of the Stars, is the ultimate theory of evolution that goes all the way back to the beginning of time, and the story of creation, as it speaks of the fallen. In this book, the Angels that fell came down to earth to inhabit the bodies as spirits, souls as the light of the world, children of the light. During the course of time, in the expression of duality, that is of union with the darkness, flesh by which the lights inhabited became like a prison, a bounded reality. The Birds, as fallen angels, forgot how to fly as they became subjective to the flesh and slaves of the earth. Birds lost their feathers and became bats. Bats lost their wings and became rats. The rat race evolved and took over the earth in multiplicity, taking dominance over various regions, which environmentally affected their changes habitually in the progression of the overall evolution of the species. The mammalian species became the new breed, and out of this race, as the story tells, the cat evolved as the Great Kings of the Earth, because somehow, they understood what it meant to fly. They learned the secret of never falling, learning to land on their feet, instead of face down in the ashes.

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