Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Arc Ohm

Flight school teaches newly winged angels to master the principles of ultimate balance and alignment of form in preparation for flight. At this school, few words are used, for the encouragement of telepathy, music, vocal instrumentation, and dancing, as main methods of communication. These universal languages are said to break down barriers. All of the professors here are felines, fancy cats that each have a distinctive quality of personality based on their subject of mastery. The great cats teach the angels to fly because they are the ones who know not only what it has meant to be a fallen angel, to be reduced to dirt in becoming one of the rat race, but also, then learning to rise up and above into greatness as supreme kings of earth and leaders of the course of evolution. Students graduate in stages from entry level of being Birds, then on to learning the secret of Bees, and finally to the becoming of a Butterfly. The highest level to be attained within this school and of this world is that of the Butterfly.

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