Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Masters of the Arc

The Arc Ohm: Academy of Wings
School of Flight for the Elevations of Birds Bees and Butterflies
House of the Order of Holy Cats: Masters of Flight

Master of the Birds
Erna Tiy: Zen master of meditation and minimalism
Purist of the Body (With Spirit and Mind)
Blue (Water/Nest)
Of the Stars (Bronze Level)
Long flowing Garments of neutral color
Lesson: To Understand the Legacy of the Fallen Stars, and Learn to Rise above

Master of the Bees
Raj Hion: Scientific thinker and strategist of logic
Purist of the Mind (With Body and Spirit)
Yellow (Earth/Hive)
Of the Moon (Silver Level)
Structured Stripes, Plaids, and Polka Dots
Lesson: To Know the Cycle of the Moon and its purpose in the cycle of life

Master of the Butterflies
Zilo Amn: Flower child, creative artisan conceptualist
Purist of the Spirit (With Mind and Body)
Red (Fire/Garden)
Of the Sun (Gold Level)
Colorful tie died and floral, with rainbows and ribbons
Lesson: To Love the light, to celebrate it and live joyfully, in order to inspire

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