Tuesday, September 14, 2010


FAITH of the Birds

How many turns, how many times. Spitting Fire, burning up. Heavy breathing, light of life, roaring rages, conquering warrior, pouncing targets, leaps and bounds, feirce and fighting, winning wounds. Over heating, all fired up, the bouncing ball, the golden light, is destroyer, is protector, is creator of new heights.

Overpowering the darkness in its golden glow, the world is in madness, the dormant know. I believe that I AM Pure Power. The Sun, I Am. The Mars, I Am. The tedious work, no rest, I am. To burn, I am, and to earn, I am. The source of infusion with power and energy I am. My mission to infuse the world with life and light. This ball I hold in the palm of my hands, this power, this light, this might. This great gift, I must share, I must create, I must deliver.

The loud noise sounds to rattle the spaces in time. The roaring raging mad sound of clashing cymbals. Metal. Electricity. Thunder. Explosive energy and chaos.

There is a finite scream that sounds. The light fades after the explosion of the golden globe.

HOPE of the Bees

Pixie sounds like charming bells. the laughing of children. giggles that come from tickling. the music is soft and sweet. Angels chanting, it seems, a dream. Streaming sounds of water. Serene sounds of wind. In the wind the magic appears. Blowing freely. Beyond darkness that is cold and empty, or light that is hot and full, here is the valley of the ultra violet lights. peaceful serenity. The dance of ribbons that blow in the wind and paint the world with colours of the rainbow. Fairies like fireflies light the way by star light spangles of graceful fluidity through the well lit night.

The passionate motions of expressive emotions come to life. The full spectrum of coloured silhouettes dance. The music is free and fulfilling. It is the spirit world. Magic and imagination are the pre-emminent. The new phase of illumination. The soulful creatures were created by the explosion of fire in the darkness. the children of the rainbow are the artists that paint the world. The rainbow comes to life. The promise. The future. The orange ball has multiplied, has created new forms in its own image and likeness. Dawned is the evolution. Diamonds of heaven are these daughters of dreams, who come to dance in the wind-water; to paint the once barren world with the colours of dreams.

LOVE of the Butterflies

Near the blue waters of the green earth, she sits. She graces the gardens with her vessel, and by the very sight of her blesed temple the Goddess of the Night is adored. Adorned by the ever changing glow of her internal infusion of light, she watches over the garden. She is the keeper of the floral blooms of spring, and pacifies the cries of the earth by cradling it within her nurturing arms.

She dances the adagio. Slowly, she strolls and takes her time to carefully prepare the way, projecting the expression of each movement. Passionate silhouettes are ever changing within her frame. From light to darkness to light she becomes the revelation of time. Her expression of peace and perfect balance is infinite.

She dwells in a peaceful silence. Her attractiveness is irresistable. Her beauty is incomparable. Her influence is unavoidable. It is the stride of her breath that retains life. She is immortally definite. She is the perfect grace. Her precision in detail and clarity is a perfect element. She is the master of time, and the keeper of the secrets of all the universe.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"As I spread my wings and prepare to fly, I claim that I will soar, high, traveling far and wide amidst the heavens that dwells and roams with my free spirit."

Friday, August 20, 2010

Parable of the Stars

In Parable of the Stars, Of the Birds Bees and Butterflies, is a concept of evolution through the creation of the universe.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Parable of the Stars

Parable of Stars is a story of hope and redemption. This message of duality is for the understanding of the universal call for balance in all things. The fallen angels who fell in love with the wonderful world that compelled them to dream and inspired them to believe in those dreams called out to them and they ran to fill the cup. They became consumed with the wonders of the world in all of its carnal darknesses that were a world of sensory pleasures. They believed so much in the power of their darkness that they became infatuated and hungry for more of it, and lost sight of the light, and the source of the life that was their true nature. They became the forgotten ones because they themselves forgot who they were... that they were greater than the soiled earth, that they were souls born to fly in the weightless freedom of infinity. Parable of Stars teaches that our desire for greatness and our eager anticipation to conquer the world and to become kings of our own domain is in our nature and nothing to be ashamed of, for the world is good and we were born so that we could experience this life bear its blessings. Yet, we are to be aware not to fall for it... not to be blinded by the illusion of the false promises that the flesh has the capacity to fulfill our truths. Parable of Stars, in the story of birds bees and butterflies, teaches the true nature of life and offers a way for us to live without becoming slaves to the gravel of gravities bounding forces. It is a story of liberation.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The evolution of the bird bee and butterfly is a metaphor for the physical mental and spiritual evolution of the course of time.  It is my own personal cosmic experimental experience, by which I intend to discover by my own journey, the way to ultimate freedom.  Surely, I must look to those who have come before me, to learn their ways, for this will help very much for me to learn the mastery of my own way.  It is indeed more so than anything else, a map for social evolution, on the quest to becoming a butterfly.  The secrets of the universe are open doors in the realm of my mind, and each parable of imagery is a key.  The parable of stars is such a key that will allow me to unlock multiple doors toward the future by understanding the mistakes of the past in relevance to the present, and, making a way toward my vision for the future.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Arc Ohm

Flight school teaches newly winged angels to master the principles of ultimate balance and alignment of form in preparation for flight. At this school, few words are used, for the encouragement of telepathy, music, vocal instrumentation, and dancing, as main methods of communication. These universal languages are said to break down barriers. All of the professors here are felines, fancy cats that each have a distinctive quality of personality based on their subject of mastery. The great cats teach the angels to fly because they are the ones who know not only what it has meant to be a fallen angel, to be reduced to dirt in becoming one of the rat race, but also, then learning to rise up and above into greatness as supreme kings of earth and leaders of the course of evolution. Students graduate in stages from entry level of being Birds, then on to learning the secret of Bees, and finally to the becoming of a Butterfly. The highest level to be attained within this school and of this world is that of the Butterfly.

The Grand Arc

We were playing fairy games of dances in the garden amongst the fliers and the flowers.  the serene meadow was near a pristine body of running water.  She danced and leapt over to me on the tips of her toes and twirled.  with out-stretched arms and the bow of gracious virtue, she embraced the pure fluid within her cupped hands, and reached to the heavens.  Suddenly, she released the grip of her grasp and the water fell from the clear sky, like a fountain of sprinkling spries.  She then looked into me with clear and welcoming eyes that glittered with radiance, and her effervescent smile was as bright as the sun that lights the abounded celestial horizons.

Aged gracefully, like a fine wine of the vineyard, and of the most aromatic fragrant mists in the oxygen of the fresh breezing winds as they blow within her garden, constantly, she is refreshed by the supply of the good green grapes to filler her cup with.  She vigilantly whispers as the voice of the wind, precise instructions to her methodic remedy, as the recipe for refinement of aesthetic perfection.  One can only give what one owns and knows to distribute accordingly.  She is the superb distinction.  Pure, she is the rainmaker.  Timeless is her wisdom.  Her art is golden like the antique chalice of her blessed virgin vessel. 

Her window, in the image of a woman standing upon a tall and pointed pillar, show that her arms are outstretched to her delicate finger tips in the shape of the magical oh chi circulation of energy. The golden yellow glow as the aura of the sun that lives within her shines in to greet her and surrounds the silhouette of her rainbow coloured body of flower petals that extend below her hips and act as a foundation from which her transparent wings found just below her shoulders extend upward and outward in preparation for the transcendance (trans-en-dance).

Her long neck holds her head high, as she carries the crown of time, the wisdom of the changing moon, and the enlightenment of the sun.  Her days are green, as she sees only the goodness of the earth.  An open heart and open mind meet to match her open arms that are outstretched to welcome the children into her prismatic aura of vibrant rainbow glows.  On the blades of either shoulder sits the pair of reflective stars that sit in polarity within the heavens.  One of the east and one of the west are her counterparts.  The stars amongst her are mobile, in motion, with gusts of electricity behind them, as though filled with surges of lightning energy.  They are being fired upward and together, toward a collision in the center of her crown, where they meet in perfect harmonic balance of syncronicity.

Like an open door to a world of windows, she infinitely expands the dimension of the realm by which we exist through the reciprocation of the one truth.  Open to accept that which is coming, in faith and hope and love, she is the symbol of the water that flows and brings with it new life, washing away the remains of death, as the water flows to become an opening toward the coming of the birth of a greater day.  She shows that truly we are all one being boundlessly interconnected by the ray of light within us as unique entities expressing the one being that we are. 

She is a symbol of positivly conductive energy toward the ongoing influence of an inspired creativity, representative of a unified people toward the common objective of expressing the beauty of the universal truth by which and for which we have all been created.  It is the overcoming of all obstacles as her arms outstretch up to te boundless heavens, and gives hope for life and light and love in the flow of energy in this window of water.  In this way, we all stand to become free, as we establish a unity in order to serve the purpose of that freedom.  It is because of this truth that we have established a central home based from which to dwell, and it is because of this reality that we are inspired to magic, in the flow by which we are called one. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Masters of the Arc

The Arc Ohm: Academy of Wings
School of Flight for the Elevations of Birds Bees and Butterflies
House of the Order of Holy Cats: Masters of Flight

Master of the Birds
Erna Tiy: Zen master of meditation and minimalism
Purist of the Body (With Spirit and Mind)
Blue (Water/Nest)
Of the Stars (Bronze Level)
Long flowing Garments of neutral color
Lesson: To Understand the Legacy of the Fallen Stars, and Learn to Rise above

Master of the Bees
Raj Hion: Scientific thinker and strategist of logic
Purist of the Mind (With Body and Spirit)
Yellow (Earth/Hive)
Of the Moon (Silver Level)
Structured Stripes, Plaids, and Polka Dots
Lesson: To Know the Cycle of the Moon and its purpose in the cycle of life

Master of the Butterflies
Zilo Amn: Flower child, creative artisan conceptualist
Purist of the Spirit (With Mind and Body)
Red (Fire/Garden)
Of the Sun (Gold Level)
Colorful tie died and floral, with rainbows and ribbons
Lesson: To Love the light, to celebrate it and live joyfully, in order to inspire

The Risen Feat

In the beginning of all time, and before time began... 

The birds of the heavens craved the claim to the earth, and sought to become like that which they did when they fell. Fallen angels did not expect the torments of the soil to burn their wings to ashes and condemn them to crawling on their bellies seeking more for all the days of their lives. The bones of the fattened foul became dense and they who could no longer fly eventually discarded the wings that now deemed themselves redundant.

These beasts of the earth continued to evolve, and their awakened hunger no compelled them to seek out all of that which was to be gained of the earth. Families and clans of distinctive characteristics of  these creatures evolved into what would set each group of entities apart based on the work of their hands, as now slaves to the earth.  And they competed against one another for supremacy; producing heirs to continue on their legacy for the quest to the top.  To gain all was the mission of each.

The once birds, and then bats, became nations of rats, who gnawed at the earth and declared all the lands as their own to gain.  Each raced for its own space, to acquire and store as saved goods, toward a continued evolution. The highly reproductive breeds of rodents flooded the earth with an evolved species of beasts; the evolution of the mamilia developed, as the reflection of what the new generation was to become - mothers, like the earth that they were consiuming, and the most highly developed gruop of potency thereof.

In the survival of the fittest, and the race for the top, there could only be one, and the clan was called the Felidae, the family of cats, who reigned supreme over all the earth. The cat became great because of her obsession with the birds that flew, as spheres that sit in the heavens, and balls that bounces.  Somehow, she believed in flight, and rose to the top by never looking down. Memories of a lost throne in heaven haunted her, and she taught her children to never fall, and for those who did fall, they learned to always land on their feet. 

As they evolved, their physical capacity came to know a muscular, compact definition as bodies with short rounded heads.  The skeletal and muscular construction makes the animal extremely limber and lithe.  A cats spine is extremely flexible and forelegs rotate freely outward in the shoulder joint, enabling the cat to squeeze through narrow spaces to twist about so that it usually lands on its feet after a fall.

The cats won the race!  Because of their ability to land upright, and also, because of the parachute effect of their bodies, cats have survived falls from great heights.  In the survival of the fittest, the cat has learned to land on its feet in order to never again repeat the history of the heritage from which they have evolved.  Risen from the ashes of fallen angels, the cats vow to live that they should never again fall from grace.

"Out of the ashes, we rise, to defy death, times nine."

Legend of Cats

When curiosity killed the cats, and fallen angels burned to bats, clipped featherless, condemned as rats, the race was on, breeding multiplicity, generations of species, and mammilians like Eve.  The femme was born out of darkness as falls, the world became its own reflection of the game played by birds that once feasted on air, of these kind that now knew only feasting on fear.  And in becoming the earth, dust was the glue that held them down, gravity to the soil kept them bound.  When the only way to keep from falling was to spring forth, the leap of the clock, learning to bounce back, and to land on all fours.  T'was the dawning of the fall-line.

Feast of Flowers

A bouquet of flowers for the birds, bees and butterflies, just as it is spring, in the hour of la primavers, the blossoming arise out of their slumber and out-stretch their arms of the most delicate petals, in the soft pastel washed colors of the rainbow.  The enchanted bouquer of waltzing flowers in the magical garden orchestrated to dance in graceful twirls of the symphony for the royal ball in which they attend the dance in honour of.  Floral princesses adorned in patterns of silken velvet, satin tulle, and weightless chiffon, blow daintily in the mellow atmosphere os the quaint wind as it blows to the tine of classical compositions conducted to capture the misty spell binding rhythm of the evening sky.  Hypnotic is  the movement of synchronized emblems of spring, as lightly as they come sprinkling magic dust to set the ambiance of the fleeting flutters of pristine petals.  Royal shades of purple are the violet, lavender, iris, and orchid settled by tones of pink and pearl, glistening and glittering in the prisms of light.

It is a party of floras in celebration of time.  The waltzing Orchids in the garden are caught in the wind, flowing fluently to the charmed step that dances of melodic whim and harmony.  Iris travels through time and space, around the world like the memories of trees that grow gracefully in the passing of the hours.  Flourishing shapes blossom in the prime of era, contouring cmiles and a radiantly glowing ambiance that warms the heart of all banquet guests.  A lavender's joy is the treasury of beautiful things, where the whole world of wonders celebrates the honoured truth of our celebration that marks the changing of the times.  As the new era dawns before our eyes, the Violets recapture the journey that is ours, through trials and tribulations, far and wide, we have travelled.  Come and share with us this royal affair.

In the banquet of fine dimensions, it is a feast, a ball.  The bouquet is a soft and sweet enchantment presenting to us, like baby's breath, a kiss of fresh air, as an offering of new life.  In this pring, we become the harvest of an abundance.  As we learn to fly, we are the flight of the butterflies.  Magnificent colours of a flourishing arrangement float.  A detail of purity and innocence is the song os the portrait of enchantment.  This embassy is a collection of tokens blessed and consecrated in the mystical fragrance of an enchanted boquet of florals, poised to perfection, and as a confectionate treat of the sweetest charms.

Song of the Roses

We arose out of the great depths of the water well.  We morphed rigidly out of out streamlike shells, and could not know why we had become so very hideous.  Freakishly, we grew limbs and began to crawl the earth on our bellies, and breathe an unfiltered air.  It was like we had been awakened by an illusion of terror, out of the deep dream, sanctioned by a bed of oceanic comfort.  Actualization of self came on all too suddenly, and eventually, the dependency on the earth became to massive, when we were called to live upon the earth, when we were made to breathe empty space.  We jumped out of the water, and trusted the moon and the stars which drew us, to protect and show thy way.

We arose out of the ashes of our own fallen wings.  The kings of heaven, we could fly and sing, and we were lights of our own darkest nights.  One with the sun, we were light as the feathers we carried on our backs.  We would congregate so that we could sing together.  Our bodies were kept pure so that we could serve our children cooked food, kissing them as they ate of our contracted kitchens.  We taught them to fly, from the branches of our tree houses, then set them free to soar in the wind.  in the end, they always flew back home, and we would continue to be the birds that fly together.

We arose.  We are not products of the evolution, we are the evolution that produces.  Our metamorphosis began when we were born out of the stars.  We are the earth.  The pure expression of fire and water merging, and all of the elements of creation, the ultimate union of day and night, darkness and light.  We are the duality, made for perfect balance.  We are the truth seekers; the dreamers and believers.  We are the ones who dare to break the rules against the orders of the world.  Our kind eats the forbidden fruit because we are driven to know what it tastes like.  What does it mean and why does it exist?  We strive to understand the world, and are born to express ourselves, to multiply ideas, to be the new evolution beyond the physical.  Our species is the physical quintessential to a perfect form.  We are earth.  Orders of the universal truth.

We arise.  We are called of the timeless matter.  We are the stars from which all have been born.  We are the reality that has awaited the right time.  Called as we are calling, as we call we are.  There are no words.  There are no answers.  There are no secrets.  we are the instruments that were made of the vessel.  We sing as chanting angels sing.  We dance like feathers that blow in the wind.  Free heirs to the throne, we are the butterflies, and have come to celebrate the new day.  We, daughters, are born of the stars.

Sisters of Light

The little charmed fairies are playing the games and fluttering like butterflies in the magical garden.  Carelessly and care-freely, the high on sugar super novas, skip through the wonderland, buzzing like bees on the nectars from the flowers of the garden.  Girls giddy on the pure air, hyper-activity surges through smiles and giggles and girlish chuckles.  Flourescent lights of pixie dust glow in the night, as if they were fireflies, or beautiful butterflies coloured by the rainbow.  Watch as they play with the rings of the promised land, dancing through the glorious garden of a spirited spree, springing leaps and bounds amidst the abundance of flowers and evergreens, waterfalls and streams of the tallest mountains, and lush horizons of its blue and green tranquility. 

Ring play becomes the dance of the sisterhood, where girls rule and are born to roam the heavens of earth, and carry the wonders of its secrets with them in aimless whimsicality.  Enchanted fairy princesses blissfully leap on twinkling toes as tinkling bells that are edgy in the ways of their own fearlessness.  Foolish nature of the innocent rebels to tease and taunt the gremlin-gobs who play in the mud in the land below the fairest, as we laugh in giggling bliss that theyve never been able to beat us in a game of hide and seek, or even tagline, as we speedily race against time and space in featured presentation of our keen speed and skill in the play of the rings. 

Flirtatious winks from girls of the glittered garden in a super sweet playground of ecstasy and splendor are evoking feelings of an enamored envy, because everyone wishes that they could be a part of something so special as to spend all of the days of their lives playing magical games of bliss in the wonderful garden with the enchanted fairest.   

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Parable of the Stars

As if one night the sky was filled with clusters of glowing stars that beamed radiantly unto the earth. It was as if the stars saw all of the beauty of the land and wished to come down to play. As if they all agreed that one by one they would drop out of the sky to fill the earth with dreams. As if they were angels who filled the cup of life. Ones with wings of birds, and ones with fins to swim. As if they played, and danced forever, and made peace with the heavens that slipped from their hands, then made war with the angels, and fought over the lands. As if they forgot that they were all born of the stars; glistening, radiant diamonds of Gods own hands. As if, on that night, the darkness overcame them, when they fell out of heaven, and forgot they were light. As if the hells had claimed them, on that very night.

Birds Bees Butterflies

Of the Birds Bees and Butterflies, in her question of the bodily solution, Prima realizes that the whole scope of the universe, being mind, body, and spirit, and that one cannot be conquered without the other. The nature of the course of evolution and progression through time in the developmental process of world civilization is explained through the relative interpretations of an idealist perspective. Perception and systems of reality: birds, bees, butterflies...

Birds come to represent the importance of a physical capacity, and the physical evolution from birds through to cats. 

Bees come to represent the mental capacity as the bees serve symbolically as a perfect functioning system of organisms, and the perfect synthesis for social community. 

Butterflies represent the spiritual capacity and the lifelong quest to free ones self of the physical and grasp hold of the weightless embodiment of air like transparency. 

Birds, primarily about the concept of physical evolution, is an interpretation of the story of the fall of man, as the birds are seen as angelic creatures with access to absolute power and reign over all the earth in the highest form of evolution before the fall. There was some war that shall be described and interpreted, and the birds became like fallen stars as they drifted and descended, first by losing their feathers, and becoming bats, then by losing their wings, and becoming rats.

It was the rat race that became the force that threaded the course toward the evolution of the mammalians, as rodents developed within their own clans a natural identity that ws based on their living environments, eating habits, social inferences, and so on. The species developed within familiarities and went on to fight for the ultimate survival, including land and food and goods. The strongest beasts lived longer and proved to be the fittest, taking their place as kings of the earth. These have come to be known as the cats.

The bees are to describe the systematic perfect funtion of a social network toward productivity and longeivty in aid of service toward the ultimate progression of a universal whole. The bees represent the working mind, thinking and problem solving, and its quest to service its energy in harnessing of natural resources as a usable industry. The function is distinctly potent and necessary for the evolution of all kind through the course of time. The bees form the great establishment of a kingdom that enforces the static guidelines of functional requisites toward order and union.

Butterflies are the epitome of evolution and represent the quintessence of miracles based on a reinforced spirituality. In the span of its life, the metamorphosis is the great relevance that is relative to an obvious spirituality. It is the hope of all who dwell in the physical realm and spend an entire life working only in the faith that in time there will be an unveiling of a spiritual body that is free and weightless, dancing in the wind. 

The butterfly's purpose is to serve as a constant reminder that there is a miraculous beauty that lives within. It is the life force that drives and compels and inspires. It is the cocoon of the butterfly that sets us free into the new day. It is the butterfly that is victorious and truly reigns and hero. Free from this world, the butterfly represents the complete transition of perfect evolution.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Of Rising Stars

III - Birds: Angels: Nest

Newly born angels must learn to fly.  This skill can only be acquired through time dedicated to practice of the ways of flight.  The cats teach the various principles based on fearlessness, caution, curiosity, discipline, technique, and beauty.  Cats have evolved because of their fascination with heights, climbing, jumping, leaping, and birching, because of their desire to conquer, pounce, and pursue.  Patience in timing, rhythmic hunting, mastery of coordination, are all lessons to be learned of the cats.  This is due to their love of games, balls, and unraveling, to learn, understand, and discover how best to be great.  Cats are the ultimate teachers of flight, because they believe in flight, and are passionately called to the action as the call of the bird lives deep within them.  These cats are the once fallen birds who have risen above their ancestral ashes to become the supreme feline. 

II - Bees: Pixies: Hive

The academy teaches that each has a distinct and purposeful value within the network of social precedence.  The universe depends on each individual entity to contribute toward the progression of evolution toward the purpose being served in creation of productivity in lieu of the advancement of the whole.  The bees learn to harness the power of their light and forces of supernatural energy in order to create a highly valued prospect.  They work within teams that compliment each others elemental scope of power.  These groups learn to create schemes of things in order to affect changes in the world.  It is the time when Prima learns to fly in synchronicity with others, to soar harmonically with her peers, and to accomplish goals by focusing on the task at hand and persistently working as a part of the whole to see the vision come to light.

I - Butterflies: Fairest: Garden

The students now take on their final venture to fully evolve into the perfection, wherein all skills learned will be put to the test.  They are led into the cocoon of hibernation and are allowed to incubate in the goodness of all lessons learned.  Their bodies continue to evolve as they become the revelation of all dreams come true.  Once complete in transition, the body of Prima becomes a ray of light.  Now her education transfiguration is complete and she is ready to pursue her mission as the all inspiring light of the world.  Of all the energy that she has harnessed, she now knows her self to be a master of the universal truth.  She goes out into the world to share this truth and to be a light in all of the darkness.  This is her work; her purposeful contribution to life.

Butterflies: Parable of Stars

Butterflies, in Parable of the Stars, represent the epitome of evolution and everything that one aspires to become within the full expanded capacity of his spiritual emancipation, the revelation of freedom and the embodiment of enlightenment. The Butterfly journeys an entire lifetime before ending that period of time spent as a caterpillar and going forth into a sort of death. The cocoon becomes a founded grave by which it is transformed in reincarnation to become the epitome of beauty and grace and all things that are sought after in this world of truth. For, this notion suggests that our optimum quest in life has always been in favor of this supreme ideal of spiritual oneness and absolute perfection in freedom.

Bees: Parable of Stars

Bees, in Parable of the Stars, are relevant within this theory of social evolution, as the bees are seen as the optimum functioning principle of society by which all other societies ought to aspire toward. The epitome of social function and productivity, the bees are workers, gatherers, hunters, and servers of the purpose of their realm. Each member of their team works within individual sectors, and members of each sector work individually and together to play their part in the rolling scheme toward progress, and in pursuit of the greater whole. The bees represent the universal truth for the light of the world in the concept of one. They serve a distinct purpose of relevance not only within their own worlds, but as a highly valued aspect of all other relative social aspects.

Birds: Parable of Stars

Birds, in Parable of the Stars, is the ultimate theory of evolution that goes all the way back to the beginning of time, and the story of creation, as it speaks of the fallen. In this book, the Angels that fell came down to earth to inhabit the bodies as spirits, souls as the light of the world, children of the light. During the course of time, in the expression of duality, that is of union with the darkness, flesh by which the lights inhabited became like a prison, a bounded reality. The Birds, as fallen angels, forgot how to fly as they became subjective to the flesh and slaves of the earth. Birds lost their feathers and became bats. Bats lost their wings and became rats. The rat race evolved and took over the earth in multiplicity, taking dominance over various regions, which environmentally affected their changes habitually in the progression of the overall evolution of the species. The mammalian species became the new breed, and out of this race, as the story tells, the cat evolved as the Great Kings of the Earth, because somehow, they understood what it meant to fly. They learned the secret of never falling, learning to land on their feet, instead of face down in the ashes.

The Rain Maker

When it rains and storms, waterfalls from the sky and splashes where if meets the ground. Thunder rumbles and growls in the heavens and lightening gives the stage effect of flashes in the dark. Drama! The wind blows and rustles its madness through the threshold of the trees. When it rains, the wind is so cool and fresh, refreshingly so, the air is crisp and clean, tempting that you breathe deeply. The gray skies are the fall of darkness upon us as all of the heaviness stored up in those clouds rapidly come down and drape the tall trees in an aquatic solution of bliss. The clarifying showers become a mist of cocktailed sounds like random singing yet in synchronicity, listen to hear the claps, stomps, gasps, laughter, cheers, thumping heartbeats racing like the attack of excitement. It’s Music! Dance; to the sound of the muse called rain. Bathe in the puddles of water that settle at our feet as we move madly and carelessly in the freedom of the beating drums. 

Ahh! The screams of madness sound off blazing through the night. The illusion of stillness has fused and faded to the visionary compulsive movement of water. Electricity! Thunderous applause. Standing ovation of thrusting wind blown bushes of forest trees that are only silhouetted for my eyes to glare toward in awe and wonder. Drama, I tell you! The sensation of an energy-filled compilation of climax, orgasmic, so, sensationally, is riveting. Roaring waves of sound off straight to the core of my bones and beyond, blistering with heavy breathing, and a pounding heart, thumping veins almost visible to the watchful naked eye, intently so, adrenal glands surging with activity. Eyes lit up, widely so, aware of the madness around. Primal screams they become, the thriller.

Laugh, cry, tremble, be chilled and draped in goosebumps. Come face to face with your fears, be enthralled with joy, feel our pain, overwhelmingly. Gasp, and lose your breath at the command of our active motives to addict you to your own virtual desires for our body of work. Our bodies at work, working overtime and all the time, timelessly, without concern for the concept of time, for our object is the creative process, as we are creatively so, creating… magic. Observe our magic show, and surely you will ask, by the end of the performance, as though you are certain that we have the answer to all of your paranoid questions of a schizophrenic delusions, attached and trapped to our universe of surrealism, “You art in heaven?”

Open your eyes and look to see the answers to that which you have requested to know. There are no easy answers to all of that and so much more. Yet, behold, the answer to the secrets of the heavens are among you, beyond your quest for worded statement of validation. Observe the trans-en-dance, and know. Feel the rain on your face. Taste the rain on your lips. Drink from the cup that we set before you, and become one with the purely untainted madness of the natural bliss that is the work of the rainmakers masterful hands. Rise above yourselves in the captivity of our realm. Come as you are and embrace this fantasy, world of dreams. Set your mind free and imagine that we are the reality.

In the presence of this network that is our freedom, you cant help but to rise above, in gratuitous hunger and desperate desires and craving to uncontrollably ask for more, that you might share with us this feast at our table. In this world of never ending extending heights of the extenuating high that only the special breed of endorphins can afford you, don’t think of us as a deadly addictive drug. Imagine that our stimulants are called Love, and is life giving, as we will provide inspiration, preserve your vitality, and offer you a faithful hope that in this world is known to be the most pure goodness of a storm-filled outpouring of mad rain, comes only to purify the earth, to refresh the thirsting, to adorn the garden with an upspring of bouquets. We are the harmony. We are the symphony. We are the Children of the Rain Maker.

Friday, June 4, 2010

One Body

In a vision, there is a great sailing ship. More than a ship, an island that floats in suspension beyond the bounded barriers of earth's capacity. The self sustained efficiency unity of transport is a dome, a hive, a village, a community, a nation of people. They are high, and they are low. The dome extends submerged deep below the ocean. The hive extends far above sea level into the heavens. They climb, they fly, they swing, they swim. It is a new generation of peoples. The rainbow. The root of every race, creed, religion, and breed of man through all previous generations come together as one. A new language and form of communication is created. It is the music, the universal language. It is the dance, the universal expression. It is the Arc of the Covenant. Generated children of the rainbow.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Song of the Bird

"A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." (Chinese Proverb; 1831-1881)

The Universe in all of creation dances perfectly in harmony with the synthesis of a musical chariot, as we, perfectly balanced, spin on this axis of a revolutionary rotation that could not be possible if anything were different.  The duality that we live with and all fearfully fight as our own demon is the experience of ambiguity and ambivalence within this catastrophic battle of a polarity that we call self and reality.  Accept that we are good and perfectly made, even as one with those things that we deem to be ugly, as it is all a necessary 'evil' set in place to order the continuation of a progressing evolution of the eternal creation, that, even in itself, could not be possible without the process of eternal damnation, or, destruction.  You see, we have the ability to turn out because of the very basis of this static-electro-magnetism, that, with control and the force of mastery, we too can learn to be he who pivots, spinning on our own axis of rotation and revolution through space and time.

I encourage you to learn to appreciate the entire fabric of yourselves in the realization that our greatest weaknesses do indeed account for the interpretative existence of our greatest strengths.  For, without the darkness, where would our lights live, and of what will they serve to illuminate, and how would anyone ever appreciate a radiance that they have nothing to compare it to in contrast with?  And, if there were no death, how would we ever come to know the beauty of life and birth?  How would we ever understand the distinction between one like a finely aged wine and a fresh young grape that illuminated with innocence, unless we knew to aprpeciate that things tarnish with age and the luminesence of gained wisdom?  Because of pain and ugliness and war, we can know to strive for the value of the precious goodness and beauty and peace that allows us to choose to love rather than to hate, for, it is our ability to choose willingly and knowingly that sets us apart from all else, and makes us an infinite people beyond our own realization.

I believe that the story of the fall of man describes, rather, our rise to greatness and power over all the earth, as our worldly evolution and transfiguration through the series of the species that we now preside over, has led us to become aware of the supremacy of our own innate abilities as we learned to experience the progress of our own thoughts.  Egos then developed within ourselves, as we saw how great our kind were becoming, and how much power to influence destiny in the course that our own evolution had given to us.  We learned to believe, to think for ourselves, and to choose decisively.  We discovered resolution and created concepts of ideology by which we began to seek out explanationf for the questions that we ourselves created within ourselves as we struggled to understand and relate to the world that we were suddenly aware of.  With a great curiosity for knowledge and hunger, we began to seek out that which would be agined of this world.  In the end, we taught ourselves to quest and to crave and to desire everything that there was to be gained of an earthly existence.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Define truth by creating it. Allow life to be what it is, and believe in the I Am. Establish boundaries that cannot be broken because they dwell within your heart. Stir up friction and let life live. Welcome death as a beautiful opportunity for reincarnation in the tomorrow of born again. I have turned against them. I have turned from their way. They are out to get me, because, I have unlocked the code, and I am moving on to a place that only ones like I get to travel to. They want to stop me in my tracks. But, it is I who must choose to go. They have no authority to stop me.

I am a school of philosophy, depicting thought and movement as equal tools of communicating. Awareness of ones self, mind, body, soul, All, and understanding the precepts of behavior and the influences which ultimately dictate how we will respond to the environment around us, are most adequately apt our external environment as a reflection of the way we respond to our internal environment. The purpose of life is to gather information, process it, and choose the process of self-evolution based on the perceived understanding of acquired data. It is necessary to continually gain new information, based on new experiences, that life not become stagnant. Life and quality of life depend on the ground basis that everything in life is an expression of what it is and where it comes from. Each individual expression of energy, and its source, dictates only where one will end up, based on that which one came from. Such is fate.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


A word of encouragement for you as your journey on your way: Please know that the power is in your hands. The choices are yours to be made, and, destiny is yours to create. All bounds have been lifted, and, the world is at your feet. Choose wisely. Remember that your greatest enemy is lack of purpose. Always remain engulfed in action. Activity shall save you from idol hands seeking delinquency. Stay away from temptations of carnal nature. Allow not sin to destroy you. Lust, gluttony, sloth, avarice, greed, envy, anger, leave behind. Remember love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  Remembr wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.

Follow the rhythm of your pulse. Allow your heart beat and the rate of your breath to illustrate your natural rhythm. Dance to the music that you create. Believe that whatever you choose, you can and will attain. Believe that the gain is already your own. Claim it, and believe your self to be worthy of that which you have claimed. Truth is relative to the individual and the experiences of that individual. If you believe, it becomes your truth. Be careful of what you choose to believe, because it becomes you. Be not hasty to give up control of your own destiny. Hold on to your future and do not let go. Never settle for less than you believe to be true. Remain sturdy and never be swayed. Bend, but never break.

Fight always for your right to knowledge. Seek always understanding. Crave always wisdom. These things grant access to a great freedom. Here, we are able to make well informed decisions. We become empowered. Be not afraid to come forth unto this journey. Be not afraid to forsake everything. Leave it all behind and never look back to remember it as a part of you. If it were your truth, you would have never been able to let go. What is yours will always belong to you. Stand naked and face the truth. See your own reflection, your own shadows. Your own light, and, your own darkness will be staring back at you. Learn who you are beyond the everythingness. Mind, body, and soul, create the self. Question everything. In faith, doubt everything. Seek and know that you shall find. Knock and believe that doors will open.

I have been consecrated as an offering to my Lord All. May I always be considered worthy to serve you as the chosen one to carry out this, your will. May I always lead them only to the truth of your way. May I remain steadfast and faithfully yours. In love, I offer All that I am. I have been blessed beyond that which I am able to conceive. I believe in that which I have not yet been shown to see. But, I feel its presence, and, I know that it is here. The incarnate dwells within this, my temple, and I shall always provide a haven in my heart, my soul, my body, and my mind, for this beautiful revelation of truth. I am blessed. I have been graced with this gift that I am only just beginning to know in understanding. This gift that has been given to me, has been entrusted to me, and I alone. I am responsible for sharing it with the entire world.

My spirit rejoices in song and dance, for, this is the day that the Lord has made. I have found bliss in this fountain. The water of life overflows and floods my heart with joy. I want to share it with you. I want to show you this place I know. Come to me, because, I cannot leave this place to go to you. Once I am settled here, this shall be my eternal resting place. You must come to me. Listen. Hear my voice. Feel my energy transpose you. Be moved and come to me. Close your eyes and follow the light within. Dream, because in your dreams, there I am.

In the stillness of the silence, and the deep darkness of the abyss, in the nothingness, where there is no blinding light to distract you from the truth; there, you will find the way. The path that leads to you also leads to I. Look within and there you will find everything that is worth believing. Beautiful child, I love you. You are my angel; you are the beacon of hope. The lost generation of Gods may be restored only by your own hands. Your will be done to redeem lost souls. There is no more blockage. Your path is cleared. Your way is prepared.

Now, I must find rest. Tomorrow at sunrise, the new era begins, and, I must be ready for the time. My body now aches and craves rest. I am so tired. Yesterdays journey has left me with heavy eyes and aching muscles. I want to heal from the inside out. I want to transform, shedding this old skin. Slumber, I await you. May I find rest in your bosom tonight. Sweet dreams are my sanctuary. There, I am home. There, I am at peace. In the realm of beauty, there is only truth. No illusions or fragmented realities dwell in harmony. Music is the essence of mystery. Magic unravels during the hours of twilight.

Tonight, I find rest, peacefully. I close my eyes, and I breathe. Nothingness consumes me, and I fall deeper into sleep. I create a trance within myself. I won’t wake up. I refuse to arise, for the time has not yet come. I drift far and wide, floating aimlessly in the great abyss. My dreams become alive; more vivid than all the colors of the rainbow. My heart rate slows, and, my breathing calms... my pulse softens, and, I find rest in the darkness. It is just like the death that I once craved. I become the living dead. I need nothing. I am everything.

I have conquered death. I have defeated illness and weakness and pain. In the face of death, I become the great challenger, daring to fight with me. Always, I defeat the death. My life becomes validated in the victory of my conquest. In defeating death, I become life. I am the fearless leader. I will show you the way. Follow this way. Believe.

Monday, March 8, 2010

"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

-Carl Gustav Jung

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


“You know about rock and roll. Its like the legends tell, about, the balls that keep on rolling, the wheels that keep spinning, the stones that never stop tumbling, falling, running, running, running. Rocks never die. And, the legend continues.”

How deeply the sunshine that glows over thee? From seas to sea how deeply, reflections of me? I crumble in remnance of pain beyond despair. Alas, I ask, how deeply mine soul hurt when it tears.  One kiss of death, one breath of life. One moment of grief, beyond worst of strife. Desperately wanting to cry out, lips frozen. Anxiously waiting forth-new dawn, t’was chosen. Raging and roaring, mine oceans tides roaring. Emotions like thunderous storms, yet, truths unfolding.  Truth be told, how deeply my cries. As darkness engulfs the depth of my eyes. To stand alone, and know life is dear. Yet, plea to the heavens, death take me from here.  How deeply, how deeply, My love for thine life. To give up my own, thus, running from strife.

In the cycle of life and death, There is a beginning, and there is an end.  For every end, there is a new beginning.  For every new beginning, there will be an end.  In life, the only constant is change... An ever-repetitious cycle of birth, growth,  Failure, fulfillment, and, death.  But even unto death, there is no end...Only a new beginning.


Wonderland. That’s what I call the place I come from. The loveliest place I know. The best things are there, and everything is free. A land of wonders. That’s what I like to call it. People’s eyes light up and glisten, and they smile and laugh. We are all children there. We play all day, and stay up all night. And there is no bedtime. If we sleep, we might miss it. The wonders of the land. If we close our eyes, they might fade away.

Their world, full of emptiness, makes me so sad. My world, empty with fullness, makes me so happy. I will never be a part of their world, as they know it. They shall always be a part of my world, as I know it. In their world, nothing is free. In my world, everything is free. I live in wonderland, in dream world, in paradise, in ecstasy, in never land, in heaven, in Eden, in eternity. I will never know death, because, in my world, there is only life. I will never know hate, because, in my world, there is only love. What makes me most sad about their world, as I watch them on their way, is that, they don’t even have a clue that they’re living in hell.

I miss daydreaming with you. We used to sit by the campfire, and do nothing, and do everything. And people would say, look at those two, daydreaming again. Except, it wasn’t day, and the only light was the campfire. Except, there was no camp, and the only fire was inside us. I miss those good old days, when we had nothing left to do, but dream, about the good old days.

I miss everything that I never knew, until the day that I found you. Everything; all the dreams I thought I knew were nothing, had no substance, until the day that you found me, too.

What if I imagined it all? · Supposed it’s a fallacy, a lie fragmented within a fantasy · What if there is no truth, no substance, no reality to it all · Could you know? · Could you tell the difference? · How could you distinguish a fictional from a realism · You can’t, can you? · And then, Neither can I

“In the realm of dreams, nothing is impossible. I dream at night, but, only in the light.”

“It’s almost as if, now that I’m new, I’m a stranger. It all seems to have unraveled in the midst of a dream; whilst I was sleeping. Unaware, I awoke to find myself, lost, within this existence that I cant explain. Everything is brand new. I can’t identify anything, not even me. Where am I? What am I?”

“Nothing ever happens the way I’ve planned. It just happens as I’ve dreamt.”

Today, I can smile again · I can breathe the breath of happiness · for, today, I’ve found an end · that’s makes way for a new youth to begin · today, once again, I can smile · I can sing love songs like birds on high · I can dance freely in the wind like butterflies · I can frolic peacefully like dolphins of the deep · And know that I am blessed with peace · for God is in I, today ·

Today, I want you, to smile. Be happy. Be free. Frolic, like a bird. With angels wings. Rejoice, in song. And dance. Today, you, I want to smile. And know. And go. Bathe in the sunny skies. Shower in the salty seas. Live, and love, and, life.

I will. I promise. To you. To me. I shall, as I’ve claimed, my will, to be. I will go on, to see, to know. I shall abide, for you sayeth so.

I am going to do it for the children. I am going to plant the seeds. I am going to do it first, and then, write about it, document it, record every moment of every step of the exhilarating journey that lies ahead. And when I am ready to present it to them, I will. And I will give them screen plays, and stage plays, and art exhibits, fashion exhibits, periodicals, musicals. Book after book. I will be a writer, a model, a scholar, a traveler, a connoisseur, a dreamer, a missionary, a sensualist, an actor, an activist, an artist, a dancer. And, the world shall someday be invited on this journey, with me. I am.

Here is a secret for you. Dreams can change. Thus is the difference between destiny and fate. You were born to fulfill a particular role in the order of life, and, you cannot escape that end. You will not die until that mission is completed. You get to decide how to complete the mission. You decide how you want your life to turn out. You decide who you are. The reality of life is up to you. The fantasy of your life is how it all begins.
From the moment you were born, you learn about life. You learn about your self, both internally and externally, and decide how you want to respond to life’s circumstances. You create your personality, you create your lifestyle, you create your self.

Perception is the realm of fantasy, for, we are as we believe we are. Our fantasy becomes reality. Life is as we know it, and there can be no other than that which is understood to be. You may not control your fate, but, you are God of your destiny. Do not try to escape your fate... embrace it by beholding the power of destiny, the place where dreams come true.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Here I Am

A new chapter is beginning today. Of turning leaves and brand new pages. Like born again, or shown a new way. The beauty of tomorrow starts with a bright new flame. Of hope, like rainbows. Of faith, like angels. Of love, like life.

Here you go. The story of my life. How it all began, how it came to be, why it all started, why it came to me. On a golden platter, I am giving this to you. I want you to take good care of it now. My life is sacred, thus, this story is blessed. Take it; receive it as an offering, that you may gain from it, all that is within me, and throughout me, and above me, and beyond me. Here, I am.

I stand before you adorned in nothingness. Empty. Naked. True to self. Clothed in light. Reborn. New life. Jeweled in the rays of the sun. Sanctified. Burning with fire. Passionately. Whole. Pure. Simple. Nothingness. Is all. Is everything that I have, to offer to you.

Here I am, standing naked before you. I have always been naked. I was born this way; I’m sure to die this way, and I’m not ashamed of it. I don’t need to cover myself, because I have nothing to hide. I have everything to give. I was born to give, to serve, to love. I am love. It is all that I know. It is all that I shall ever know. Why should I cover up the vessel of my sacred love, then? I dare not! If I shelter myself from the rays of the sun, then, how would I ever be worthy to glow in the night?

Here I am. Like the moon. I was born in darkness, and, because, I missed the light that my soul clings to, I cried and cried. I hated the darkness. I was afraid of it. I wanted to be one with my light, but it was too late. We had already been separated. It had to be done, yet, I couldn’t accept it. So, to find my light, I searched within. Deeper and deeper, I fought to dig up the only solace that I could find in my dark world. Finally, I found him. My strength to face the lonely world which I had been sent to claim.

Here I am. Like an oysters pearl. I grew from nothing, but dirt. One tiny grain of earth, one molecule of nothingness. Thus, I was. But, the oyster that carried me, loved me very much. It would give me as much, or as little of whatever it was that I ever needed, if only I should ask. And I did. I asked for beauty, grace, rhythm, rhyme, charm, charisma, strength, wisdom, power, riches, peace, everything... I asked for everything that was to become who I am today, and, everything was given to me. He, my oyster, loved me so much that he gave me the whole world, ... and everything in this whole world, belongs to me,.... because, I asked for it. And I grew, and grew, until I was everything that I had ever dreamt I would be. I created me, because I told it to be. He created me, because He told me to be. And all this time, concealed in darkness, sheltered from the whole world, protected by my shell, comforted by my light, I had no idea what was happening. I had no clue that I was God.
Here I am. Like a butterfly. I am finally out of my shell. I can see the light now. I don’t just feel it, and believe that it is there... I can actually see it. And, it is everything that I imagined it could be... but, so much more. I love the way the sun feels on my back. I love the way the rays make my wings so transparent that you can see all the colors of the rainbow in me. I got used to the darkness, it wasn’t so bad once I learned to accept who I was without him. And, I haven’t changed. I am still a creature of the darkness. It is just that now, I can see the light. The light is not only within me; it is around me, and radiating all throughout my body. I feel so alive! I am happy when I am with my light. Now, I don’t have to hide from the darkness anymore. Now, I don’t have to make war with this world anymore. Now, I can finally put on my play clothes, and go outside, and bathe in the sun. Now, the daylight has finally come.

Here I am. Like a dolphin. I was born to fly over the waves. I live for those days when I can revisit my darkness, go back to the place where I was born. I long for those moments when I can find peace at sea. Where there is no land, no traffic, no noise, no nothing. Where there is only me, suspended by my darkness, that which I have grown to love. Here, where I was born, there are no rules, or guidelines, or statues... there is only freedom, fellowship, family.  There are no signs that say, go this way, do this do that, don’t do these. There is no right way, or wrong way. Here, there is only life. And we live without worries. This is the place I call home. It is the only place that I can find my self in the light, and lose my self in the darkness, all at the same time. Someday, I will leave all of this behind; cut it all off, throw it away, and go back to the place that I come from. And, I will swim forever, he and I. There, we’ll live like no one is watching. We will ride the waves forever.

Wind water, old friend of mine. giver of life, bringer of death. Strongest might, meekest strength. Purely pure, weightless- heavily. Sound of a whistle, blown to a thud. Splish, splash, rapids of a wrath. Sky lit up, flashing, spangling, sparkling. Eyes wide open, waiting for time. Time and time again, through thick and thin. Seasoned wind-water, ever still my friend.

Here I am. Like a queen bee. My devotion is to my kingdom, and, everything that I do is for them. Together, we shall, through service, build, and teach, and share, and learn. We shall offer ourselves to one another, and ask for nothing in return, except, that to one another, each offer themselves. My subjects are my children, and everything that is mine, so too is theirs. From hives all over the world, they fly to me, with offerings of honey and nectar, and find refuge and solace here, in my arms of love. They are the most beautiful creatures, my children. With eyes wide opened, hearts pouring out joy, smiles like the sun, laughter like angels... they are. My children are heavenly, celestial, angels. Given as gifts from the gods unto me, unto us. Pure at heart, gracious, and true; beautiful. My glorious babies are the reason I live. They are the reason I was born, the reason I created me, the reason I was created. I am, that I may serve them. They are, that we may serve the world. All are, that we may serve one another.

Here I am. Like a precious Jem. Perfect. Finely cut of the most rare stone of the earth. In the rays of the sun, I glisten, radiating unto the eight corners of the world. By the hands of the great workman, I came forth to be as I am. A gift of beauty, and magnificence, splendor, and dynamics, to all mankind. To every eye that shall behold the sight of all that is I, they stand in awe. More valuable than diamonds, I am. Rubies, emeralds, sapphires... none can even come close to the incomparable. Me.

Here I am. Like a shining star. In me, and of me, there is light of my own. I twinkle softly in the dark of the night, and, I stand proud, with my head held high. Planted in the abyss, I dwell in a realm of my own. Raised up for the world to see, I dare to never tilt my eyes to look down to see all that is below me. No, instead, I gaze up, eyes transcending the heavens above me that I shall never know what it means to be a fallen star. I am a shooting star, and my journeys path leads me only higher and higher. For there are no limits in heaven. There is no end in eternity.

Here I am. Like a delicate flower. Slowly, I unfold unto the world. Time is of no essence to me, for, my time is all that I know. I dwell in seasons, and adorn myself accordingly. I change always, yet, always remain the same. I came forth as a seed, planted in the rich soil of the earth. In all of its fullness, I arose as nothing more than a sprout, planted firmly and rooted deeply, I found stability. Craving the light, I outstretched my arms up to the heavens, and in love, He gave me all that I should need to come forth unto Him. Nourished by the waters of both the heavens above and the earths below, I grew strong and sturdy. Day by day, I reached higher and higher. I grew taller and taller, I became richer and richer.  Soon, I was found worthy by the gods that I should bear fruit. Suddenly, a bulb came forth from my bosom. It was life. It was the child that I was to behold, and, from then on, everything that was made for me and my me, was given unto my new gift of life. I watched her grow. Day in and day out, she became more and more like everything that I knew she would be. Full, whole, beautiful... as she opened up to the world. Slowly unfolding, I watched attentively, that I not miss even one moment of it. She was being born. I was being born. I was observing my own birth into this new life.  Spring came, and I saw the first petal unfold. Like angels wings, the others followed. Now, I could truly capture all of the rays of the sun, and bask in the glow of its glory. I was beautiful, I am beauty full, and it is only the beginning. Birds and bees and butterflies now come out to enjoy my sweet fragrances and nectars. The entire garden celebrates the arrival of my beauty. All of the creatures fall in love, with me, and the summer has not even come yet. The world cannot even imagine the glory and grace of the fullness of my bloom. This is only just the beginning.

The Birth


There is darkness, complete stillness, nothing.  The dark and empty void is nothing.  There is a flash of light.  There is a tremble of thunder.  In the darkness the light can be seen off in a distance. 

She yawns, she stretches, she breathes. 

The voice says to focus on the light.  Trust and obey.

The illumination from afar is alluring.  I cannot resist the yearning to journey toward.  i long to be near it.  I cannot draw my eyes away.  It is hypnotic and pulls my soul.  Unlike the tug of war, I submit completely.


The journey toward the glowing ball of radiance is a dance.  the thunder is the rhythm of a heartbeat.  the breathing like the stream of violin chords.  My footsteps pace to the sound of music.  In submission to the synchronicity of perfect harmony, I dance the twirling movements.  Pirouettes; the journey is a circular riveting pattern.  I go around and each time I am drawn in closer.  The closer I get the stronger the music, the brighter the light, the more intense the dance. 

Through the spiral tunnel I dance.  The magnetic force of the currents embrace me.  I am caught in the magical whirlpool of the whimsical disillusionment caught between the compelling forcefeild bound worlds of light and darkness. 


I have arrived to the destination.  it is the heart and birthplace of all dimensions.  The source of pure radiant light is the absolute illumination of all life.  The energy is absolute.  in its presence I feel emersed in radio activity.  I am invincibly immortal.  I grasp a hold of the magic golden ball that is hoisted in the unbounded air above me, and I breathe the breath of a dragon.  Fire and light.  The energy is overwhelming to the darkness.  Darkness fades and is taken over by the radiance of pure light.  The ball merges with my physical form.  The essence of this union is an unlimited strength.  The passionate dance.  Fired up.

Body of Light

Closer.  The light appears before me and it seems to now approach me, as I stood frozen in awe of its beauty.  The light swallowed me up in the darkness and everything around me was engulfed by an bright celestial body of illumination.  The warmth embraced me and called me to it.  I accepted it submissively.  It was the light that sounded the music to show me the way.  The light invigorated my essence and penetrated my core.  I felt at peace and at one with the universal element of truth.  The fullness of light and life was a sensation that satisfied me.  Fullfilled, I found rest, yet, I was awake.  Eyes opened I could see the light as it became me.  I could see myself as I merged as one with the light. 

A prismatic radiace glowing, as I unveiled the element of light, I could see more clearly, that the light had not swallowed up the darkness; rather, it had merged with it.  It had not conquered the darkness, but made peace with it.  It had not destroyed the darkness, but had created something more beautiful than either of them could know to become without the graceful blend of harmony in sync with both worlds.  Together, the light and the darkness evolved as one spectrum of light in the darkness and painted collages in vibrant hues of the rainbow.  Born of this journey was the rainbow, as I recognised the composite of energy, the dancing globes of mystery, were an orchestrated masterpeice.  The musical symphony was the universal truth.

One body of light spread out as vast and far and wide as the eye could see.  The horizon was painted in the blend of an emerged revelation of gemtones, glistening.  Golden Topaz, Green Emerald, Blue Sapphire, Violet Amethyst, Red Ruby, Pink and Orange; the spectrum of the prism of a diamond cut to reveal the secrets of the entire universe as the light shone though its clarity.  And of the light there was music, and of the music there was dancing.

It was the verse of the uni.  The universe.  It is the voice of the ONE. 

I listened to its resounding harmony, the chorus of the choir of angels.  In this place I am in heaven, where all things live as one in the resolution of a revolving perfect harmony of fluid evolution through the stillness of dances through time and space. 

And through the revolution of this stillness of time, I am the evolution, I am time.  The music lives within me as I stand at the heart of the specturm of light, as I stand as one with the source of that light, as it conducts the choir within the elements of light in fluid motion.  There I am, painting the vibration, in rhythmic heartbeats of music.  I live as the music.  I live as the sound of light, at the core of the entire universal spectrum, I reign as truth.

The revolving myriad of rainbow hues in the light are a most beautiful sight.  Each colour is a revelational dynamic that harnesses an energy of the universe.  As it all comes together as one, the world seems perfect, in balance and unity and harmony. 

It is to be fruitful and multiply in this way.  To be the contagiously colourful light of the world.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


The earth keeps spinning, makes me dizzy now. I watch as everything goes around in circles, turning out of control, in control of the rotation is the revolution; A revolver on its axis, telling time, reading time, recording time as it is told over and over again. Never stopping, unstoppable, where will it end? It won’t end. The cycle is on repeat. Wash, rinse, and repeat. The spin cycle! Dizzy, am I, as my whole world is now flipped upside down, inside out… and it never stops. Like the rock as it rolls – Avalanche! A natural disaster... The twisted tornado called Cyclone terribly destroys everything in its path – uprooting the deeply rooted – gravitating beyond the forbidden. Unbreakable winds. Unbeatable odds. What were the odds of this happening? Such an oddity was this catastrophe that no one saw it coming. They were unable to predict the time.

And you ask why as if there were any answers to be gained of such a questions. The obvious answer is that there are no answers. Explanation is a science and interpretation is an art, thus, the best we can hope for is the means to expressively dictate the counteractions of the contagious fall. There, you have it. If at all possible to understand what it means to be, to exist, to experience this experimental development of a unified social clause – resolving the secrets of simple stories simply untold, kept hidden for ages from the age of the ages left behind. History was the stories he told, and her story was left untold – lost in an ocean of buried treasures. Yet still, when all is revealed by illumination, it became obvious, that the answers were all blatantly obvious all along. More still, there are no answers, on the quest-I-on.

Quest; I request to know the vision inside that only I can see to know and hope to understand. Dictate nothing, for your words are empty and static. Freedom is found as I Quest. Ions of creative genetic genes evolve into a genealogy of genius sentiments. A generation lost in time now begins at one at once and multiplies beyond the necessity of doubt, for her in this new era, there is certainty for each individual in the discovery of multiplicity in the reality of Uni. Unsurpassed by space or time in a region of defined depth and detail this, something unexplained and unexplainable. Yet, even still, never still, seeks to find a way to express, to explain the interpretive visions of a life beyond words – as perception of reality changes the provocative realism into something unreal, unrealized until now, yet, as reality changes with the time, the Quest remains constantly driven by time.

Dull – the drab writings on the wall ought to be erased. Painted as a blank canvas. Tear down the nonsensical distinction of defined perimeters, principalities in records that lawful fools wrote in order to order an order of the ordered and ordained. Rulers rule as a service of documented jargon to serve as word as god as supreme. Dull. What a bore to discover the more than mildly miscalculated gumptions of the obviously mediocre substitutes for freedom. An excuse for the way, a lie called the truth and death known as life. Imprisonment sentenced to a rule… a step by step diagram of formulated formulations. The formulas that, ones by one, never stop coming. Here we come. There is no other way, for me there is no way to be other than not to be, a stipulation by the regulation of regal regulations of the regular regional regime. Here we go. Refusing to be dull. Rebel against the bore.

Exasperated! The fumes of insecticide fumigated the scene trying to kill off what the product called chem., is trying creatively as intended to ignore the word by claiming climax.

Prima's Light

She remains a daunting mystery.  The stunning princess that lives in her own world and dwells by her own authority.  The fair young maiden maintains a high caliber of elegance and refined sophistication in her early years.  She tells stories of whimsical nonchalance with her eyes, and seems so ambient and serene, floating like a portrait in motion, and glides of a stoic nature, as thought she believed that somehow, the world revolved around her, and that she was the center of all being.  Her expressions are mellow, yet amusing, as the sort of melodrama that would captivate an audience intrigued by more than the mere golden glow of her beauty, in the heir of confidence that she carries through time travels with her.  She becomes relevant to the dance by the classic distinction of an individuality that is soft spoken, yet, of a defined clarity and resounding appeal of sculptural aesthetics.

This angelic being dances from the core of her entirety, with an energetic and forceful strength.  She poises indefinitely and balances in any position of the dance given to her, as though time were standing still.  Her strength is of character and the controlled ability to be defined by the capture of one moment at a time, through the framework of a fantastic existence.  The greatest strength that she possesses is in her wind, spinning and turning multiples over in the circumference of her own spaces.  The mellow demeanor of our celestial is indepted to the mere humility of her presence.  Soft spoken, yet radiantly glowing with a vitality that surges through from her sturdy core, she smiles with her hypnotic eyes that seem to re-assure the world that when the wind blows there is hope that it will bring with it the courage to withstand the revolution of a generation of new days defined by the gravity by which one twirls on its axis.  She was born to fly, and she soars in all of her glory when she becomes like the wind and reminds us all that true strength is of a true heart.

Imagine the perfect ballerina.  She has bright eyes of innocence and a girlish smile that radiates like a burning flame.  Her form is comprised of long and delicate lines of a lean and petite frame of moderate tone.  A soft voice resounds from the demeanor of the coy brilliance of a well-delivered attitude; charming.  Exquisitely, she uncurls her extensions to an impressive height, and with precision of form she displays an absolute sense of central balance.  She adorns herself in the simplicity of a ponytail, and the pretty frills of a pink tutu bounces in harmony with her keen silhouette as she leaps with strong and turned out legs and a pair of pointed toes that land gracefully into a soft plie.  Adeptly prepared for the performance of her life at any given time, she remains constantly refined in the goodnes of a sturdy posture in showcase of  a proud neckline and a head held high.

The bright and bubbly supergirl is an infinite strength of menacing surprises and bursting personality.  Always up for a challenge, and involved with everthing.  The inquisitive nature of the go-getter is that which asserts her drive to grasp a hold of anything that is set before her as she dares to go after it, and to conquer it with the means of her self-stature.  Physically, she is unrestrained, as there seems to be nothing that the fearless fighter would hesistate to take on.  Enforced by the charismatic character of a leader, she is one to warm her way into the hearts of those whom she approaches in her own way of contagious joy.  Light-hearted and free-spirited, the only thing that she takes seriously is the task at hand.

Glowing Globe

Who is she, and where did she come from?  in perfect harmony, she salutes me.  In perfect symmetry, she stands still.  Her clear, welcoming eyes, I stare through, hoping to catch a glimpse of something special.  But there is nothing.  Nothing moves, nothing flutters.  Aside from the twinkle of her inner light, there is nothing; just silence, just darkness.  Wait!  I see now.  A watchman.  Lurking, waiting, gazing.  On this sweet body, sea breezed and sun kissed.  Who would dare to disrupt the peace of this beautiful, quaint, statuesque art of she?  Classical!  As if composed by Mozart himself.  But, then I forget, and then, I remember.  Such beauty cannot go on without a watchman.  Evils are of the world, and its quest is to conquer all things that are good.  If she is not protected, the distorted will make this beauty void.  Perhaps this is why such beauty is so aloof; so cold on this summer's night.  behold, such beauty glows!  As if an angel's white light were upon us.  But, now, in the darkness, she stands alone.  Guarded by the watchmen.  Something special, I see, indeed.  An angel who forgot that she could fly.

Hers is a great castle.  It is the fortress that has been built upon the foundation by which there is no condemnation.  the place that she owns is the sacred realm where dreams live as truth.  In the divine garden, there are silent waters that run deeply throughout the earth, and the flow is far and wide, breathing baby's breaths of a timeless nature.

She Dances, like a miracles set forth by the Gods and All authority in the heavens.  Like a bird, through the clouds, weightlessly, she leaps through the nothingness as if it were everything.  She Dances, in all of the mystical mysteries that creates splendour and wonder and armour.  In the glowing of the full moon, she lights up the darkest night.  She become the angel of beauty and brightness and brings as blessings this offering to all who lay their eyes to rest, as She Dances.  She Dances Incomparably.  Amazement and bewilderment she brings to all whom know this, who have seen this.  Invincibility is the aura of her movement, motioning like no other could dare to imagine.  She becomes all that is everything, forever, when She Dances.

How beautiful art thou, that I couldnt even see, for I was blinded by the light of such great beauty.  Whence once my eyes opened in blurring sight, I was deranged of darkness, I was blinded in your light.  Hero of the night.  Saviour of the souls. Pharoh of the right, ways to heavens odes.  Sanctified in you, that you should order wills.  the whole world shall observe, that faithless order kills.  Life of light and love, and once more hearding flock, declarations of one love, one might, one power one rock.

Blue Marine

We were playing fairy games of dances in the garden amongst the fliers and the flowers.  the serene meadow was near a pristine body of running water.  She danced and leapt over to me on the tips of her toes and twirled.  with out-stretched arms and the bow of gracious virtue, she embraced the pure fluid within her cupped hands, and reached to the heavens.  Suddenly, she released the grip of her grasp and the water fell from the clear sky, like a fountain of sprinkling spries.  She then looked into me with clear and welcoming eyes that glittered with radiance, and her effervescent smile was as bright as the sun that lights the abounded celestial horizons.

Aged gracefully, like a fine wine of the vineyard, and of the most aromatic fragrant mists in the oxygen of the fresh breezing winds as they blow within her garden, constantly, she is refreshed by the supply of the good green grapes to filler her cup with.  She vigilantly whispers as the voice of the wind, precise instructions to her methodic remedy, as the recipe for refinement of aesthetic perfection.  One can only give what one owns and knows to distribute accordingly.  She is the superb distinction.  Pure, she is the rainmaker.  Timeless is her wisdom.  Her art is golden like the antique chalice of her blessed virgin vessel. 

Her window, in the image of a woman standing upon a tall and pointed pillar, show that her arms are outstretched to her delicate finger tips in the shape of the magical oh chi circulation of energy. The golden yellow glow as the aura of the sun that lives within her shines in to greet her and surrounds the silhouette of her rainbow coloured body of flower petals that extend below her hips and act as a foundation from which her transparent wings found just below her shoulders extend upward and outward in preparation for the transcendance (trans-en-dance).

Her long neck holds her head high, as she carries the crown of time, the wisdom of the changing moon, and the enlightenment of the sun.  Her days are green, as she sees only the goodness of the earth.  An open heart and open mind meet to match her open arms that are outstretched to welcome the children into her prismatic aura of vibrant rainbow glows.  On the blades of either shoulder sits the pair of reflective stars that sit in polarity within the heavens.  One of the east and one of the west are her counterparts.  The stars amongst her are mobile, in motion, with gusts of electricity behind them, as though filled with surges of lightning energy.  They are being fired upward and together, toward a collision in the center of her crown, where they meet in perfect harmonic balance of syncronicity.

Like an open door to a world of windows, she infinitely expands the dimension of the realm by which we exist through the reciprocation of the one truth.  Open to accept that which is coming, in faith and hope and love, she is the symbol of the water that flows and brings with it new life, washing away the remains of death, as the water flows to become an opening toward the coming of the birth of a greater day.  She shows that truly we are all one being boundlessly interconnected by the ray of light within us as unique entities expressing the one being that we are. 

She is a symbol of positivly conductive energy toward the ongoing influence of an inspired creativity, representative of a unified people toward the common objective of expressing the beauty of the universal truth by which and for which we have all been created.  It is the overcoming of all obstacles as her arms outstretch up to te boundless heavens, and gives hope for life and light and love in the flow of energy in this window of water.  In this way, we all stand to become free, as we establish a unity in order to serve the purpose of that freedom.  It is because of this truth that we have established a central home based from which to dwell, and it is because of this reality that we are inspired to magic, in the flow by which we are called one.